Školení Šenk

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail65465427. 04. 2016Penzion Šenk19 000 000,0015 000 000,00CZK
Detail65465427. 04. 2016Penzion Šenk19 000 000,0015 000 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailSmlouvaBlíže nespecifikovaný dokument27. 04. 2016 13:57
DetailSmlouvaBlíže nespecifikovaný dokument27. 04. 2016 13:57

List of Participants

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Detail Hradec s.r.o.Olomouc23 000 000,00CZK
DetailPenzion Šenk19 000 000,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

654654201618 000 000,0014 000 000,00
654654201618 000 000,0014 000 000,00