nákup rukavic

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail25/03 b VZ25. 03. 2019Fun Ding Dung54 692 000,0045 200 000,00CZK
Detail25/03 b VZ25. 03. 2019Dodavatel 154 692 000,0045 200 000,00CZK
Detail25/03 b VZ25. 03. 2019Dodavatel - školení 154 692 000,0045 200 000,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailDodavatel 1Praha3 922 820,003 242 000,00CZK
DetailFun Ding DungSlavoj3 932 500,003 250 000,00CZK
DetailDodavatel - školení 1Praha2 918 520,002 412 000,00CZK