Test VZ - 7.3.2016

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detailces111107. 03. 2016Dream, s.r.o.1 200 000,00990 000,00CZK
Detailces111107. 03. 2016Dream, s.r.o.1 200 000,00990 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailSmlouva 123Blíže nespecifikovaný dokument07. 03. 2016 11:58
DetailSmlouva 123Blíže nespecifikovaný dokument07. 03. 2016 11:59

List of Participants

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DetailDream, s.r.o.1 200 000,00CZK
DetailDream, s.r.o.1 200 000,00CZK
DetailDodavatel ČEZ 2Praha1 150 000,00CZK
DetailDodavatel ČEZ 2Praha1 150 000,00CZK